
The AEA uses the Google System and mostly email to communicate with members. It is preferred that the school district's email and Google system not be used for AEA business. 

If you are an AEA member and would like to receive emails from the leadership and representatives, you will need to contact Joseph Vellegas to register either your own personal email address or gain access to your AEA Google account and AEA email. Every member has an AEA account whether or not you are using it.

If you are not receiving communication from the AEA leadership or representatives, please contact Joseph Vellegas at He will work with you to figure out why you are not receiving communication.

Email is the primary way we use to engage with members. However, we do have a few other ways for you to gain information:

AEA Members Only Website - You will need to be able to log into your AEA Google Account to access this page. Please contact  Joseph Vellegas if you cannot log in. We use this page to store information for members only. Anything new on the Members Only Website would have first been shared by email to members, then stored on the Members Only Website.

AEA Members Only Facebook Group - If Facebook is easier for you, the AEA has a private group for members only. Again, any official communication from AEA leadership or representatives, would first be shared with AEA members through their AEA email or personal email address they registered with the AEA.

AEA Public Facebook Page - This page is for the AEA to engage with members of our school district community and the public at large. This Facebook page is not used to communicate information to AEA members.